
Penitence half-orc blackguard

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Literature Text

half-orc blackguard

There are those who break laws, and those who enforce them, but somewhere in between the two lies the executioner. It is not his job to judge, look down upon, or even care what his charge is presumed guilty of, he just to puts on his mask, and swings his weapon down onto the block.

Not many people had the nerve to look at him on the day they would die, but this woman was different. He was told that most of his charges were simple thieves and murderers, but today was special for he was to execute a witch who had cursed many of the local nobles. He will never forget his last moments with her, for both her unearthly beauty as well as the words she said to him.

She smiled to him, "no hard feelings, it's just your job, give me a smile boy." She had the sweetest laugh when she said "Penitence for your crime, penitence and your life."

As she lay her head on the block, the leader of the guard asked her like everyone before her, "Any last words?" She turned to look up to the half-orc executioner, smiled like always, and said "I like your mask."

The bell tolled, and he cleaved off her head like everyone before her. From her neck shadows came streaming out and collided with the executioner's mask before venturing further up into the sky. He fell to the ground unconscious with the shadows slipping through cracks in his mask.

He awoke to the smell of rotting corpses without any memory of who he was or what was going on, and found he was covered with a a number of them including one headless woman he could swear he recognized. He a voice say "what happens if they catch us with these bodies, wont we get in serious trouble?" At those words his strength was renewed, he stood up knocking the corpses aside and grabbed the two men driving the carriage that was carrying them, and as shadowy tendrils burst from his mouth and eyes and coated his face he said "Penitence for your crimes, penitence and your life!"
probably for use in the main D&D campaign im playing if my druid dies and we dont need a defender or leader

the bulk of the inspiration for this character came from this song although the song is a hwole lot more lighthearted than this guy will be.
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